Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I slept through the night!

Mark the date folks: November 7, 2006. Just shy of my two-month birthday, slept from 10:30pm to 7:30am the next morning. A replay:

- Dad's alarm went off for him to get up and go to work
- Dad: "Did you get up and feed him in the middle of the night?"
- Mom: "No, didn't you?"
- Me: "[thumb sucking sounds]"

So Dad came to check on me:
Now I'm not guaranteeing that this is going to happen every night. Heck, Mom & Dad aren't even sure that I didn't spend an hour or two screaming in the middle of the night - an extra glass of wine with dinner can lead to missing minor details like that. But hey - extra beauty sleep is always a good thing, even when you're as cute as I am!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Belated Visitors Post #1

Okay, so I got behind. I'm having enough trouble keeping up with Dad taking the Sunday Spud pictures every week.

Actual date of this - 9/24/06 or so.

So I had some visitors here at the house! Strangely, as much as they were happy about the visitors, Mom & Dad only took pictures of a couple of them. Go figure.

We'll start with my Aunt Melinda and her boyfriend Ely. Cool folks - they've been around a couple times now. Ely is a really funny guy, but he seems to be slightly sad these days because of something called "UCLA football".

Of course my Grandma Petrow is here whenever she can fit me into her jet-setter lifestyle.

Then Preetam came for a visit, and brought food for Mom & Dad to boot! It's a real shame that she and Jim are moving to Atlanta. Heck, I've never even met this Jim Sawyer character, though his name seems to figure prominently in some of Dad's favorite stories. (Jim was out of town the weekend Preetam came by.)

After that (and you'll forgive me if I have this sequence off - I'm still coming to terms with the whole concept of time), our neighbors the Frandsens came by. The Mom and Dad at their house are named Eric and Joanne, and they've got two little children - Elijah, who is 3 years old, and Tenaya, who had her first birthay in mid-October. I didn't get to see Tenaya when they came to visit, because she had a slight cold, and apparently my immune system isn't quite working yet. Details, details. But I did get to go to her first birthday party, even though I don't have any pictures to prove it. My first big coming-out party and Mom & Dad didn't even take a camera?!?

Finally, to finish this catching up post, Mom & Dad finally got out their camera when our friends the Lu's came by. That'd be Henry and Elaine, and a little girl who's just a little bit over 1 year old name Chloe. Henry & Chloe had a picnic on the couch while I hung out with Elaine. They're really nice!

That's it for Belated Visitors Post #1. Stay tuned for more to follow !