Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm outta here!

(The hospital that is...)

Here's me leaving the hospital with Mom.

So yes, I'm afraid I'm a bit late with this post, since I left the hospital a week ago. I'm almost two weeks old already for crying out loud! (Which I can do quite nicely, thank you very much.) See, there were actually a few minor complications after I made my grand entrance, like Mom needing an emergency hysterectomy (whatever that is) due to some major hemorrhaging (whatever that is) after the delivery (I know what that is - that was my grand entrance!).

As you can see, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but apparently the gist of it is that I'm going have Mom & Dad's full attention for quite a long time, unless they go off and adopt a sibling for me. I gather that Mom nearly died, but I'm thinking that that's because of the vampire bite (look closely at the above picture) she got on her neck more than anything. As you can see, I'm not buying Dad's stories about IVs and blood transfusions - I know a vampire bite when I see one! Apparently she's supposed to have a pretty quick recovery (like a C-section, whatever THAT is) now that she's out of the hospital. As long as she doesn't turn into a vampire, of course.

(In case you're wondering about why I'm just mentioning this now, Mom didn't want me to have to share the limelight for the big announcement. Isn't she great?!?)

Anyway, we got back to the house on the Wednesday after I was born, and we've been getting settled in since then. Mom's been making a speedy recovery, and is even fitting into some of her clothes again, as you can see in the picture below. For awhile there, I thought her entire wardrobe consisted of hospital gowns. Which is cool if that's what you're into, but I'm given to understand that my Mom is a snappier dresser than that.

Anyway, now that we're getting settled in here more, I'll try to get a little more regular with the posts. At very least to tell you, my adoring public, about new pictures that are up in the photo albums.

Which reminds me! Dad has hatched this new project he's calling the Weekly Spud. He wants to take two pictures of me every Sunday - one portrait shot and one of my entire awe-inspiring physique, and post them up on the photo albums. There are currently just two pictures of each (I'm only two weeks old, see), but it should be cool as time passes. (Dad freely admits that he got the idea from the guy doing the Daily Photo Project. That guy has taken a picture of himself everyday for about eight years! Check him out at his website. Though I've got to warn you - he's got a pretty scary mustache right now.)

That's it for now. I'll talk to you soon. And now that we're starting to get out and about, I'm looking forward to meeting you all!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hi! My name is Matthew

Hi! My name is Matthew Brann. Thank you for coming to see me.

I was born yesterday, September 8th, 2006, at 11:40 pm. Sure, it was a week late, but I've got all my parts in working order, and am told I'm cute as a button. My parents tell me that that means I'm an exact combination of Dad (the procrastinator) and Mom (the perfectionist).

Tale 'o the tape?
Weight: 9 lbs, 9 oz
Length: 21 3/4 inches

The nursery staff is a bunch of comedians. When they saw me, after they finished ooh-ing and ahh-ing over how cute I was, they said that two-month old babies were down the hall. Hah!

Well, it's been a trying couple of days, so that's all I've got to say for now. Please come back and see me in a couple days - I'm sure I'll have more to say soon. Also, be sure to check out the "Photo Album" link over on the right side. That takes you over to Flickr, where you can see a bunch more photos of me. Because it's all about me!!!