Monday, July 16, 2007

Walking Is Easy

Just put the Saddle on Dad, and away we go! What's the big deal that everybody's making about learning to walk? I think the only hard part is getting Dad to go where I want him to. I tried doing like we saw cowboys doing on that TV show - where they'd nudge the horses with their knees to get them to go left or right, but all I could reach was the frame of the Saddle, so Dad wasn't too responsive. I did get his elbow a couple times, but that just made him whiny, and he still didn't turn. I think I need a Dad Whisperer or something to get him straightened out.

Plus, he kept hogging the tube to the Camelbak, so I was thirsty all day. (The reservoir sits between me and his back - pretty cool!)

As for walking without Dad's assistance, I'm doing pretty well with that too. I think my current record is 19 steps before I fall, but I was moving pretty quickly at that point and my stats-keepers aren't 100% sure on that number. In any case, I've definitely got the whole "First Steps" thing out of the way.

Speaking of "First Steps", you wouldn't believe the issues I had with Dad on that one. People would ask him if I was walking yet and he'd go off on tangents about "well... what exactly does 'first steps' mean? Can he be holding on to somebody's hand? How many steps does it have to be to qualify?" Leave that up to the engineer to clutter up a baby's milestones. Thankfully, I think we can all agree that we've got that out of the way at this point.

Oh, and speaking of milestones, I'm up to two teeth now! Got a matched set - one tooth on top and bottom of my front teeth. And man, did it hurt when I bit my hand - you could see the teeth marks for a couple hours. Got to remember to only bite other people's hands.