Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Stick

You ever get a really good stick?
Itchy has.
(Itchy is my dog, in case you've forgotten)
[Ed: Matty renamed Josie to Itchy for some reason]
She had a good one the other day, and I watched her for a little while.
And then I figured - Hey! Josie and I do a lot of the same things. We play tug-of-war with a rope, we throw the frisbee, we run around the yard yelping like crazy people, why not chew on sticks together too? So I gave it a try.

It wasn't bad. I used a little one, since I don't have long teeth like Josie. But it was definitely a good stick.

[Ed: inspired by an item from one of our favorite books: If Only You Knew How Much I Smell You - True portraits of dogs, by Valerie Shaff and Roy Blount Jr.]

Good stick.
Got a good stick.
A real
Getting all the good
Out of this good
That's in

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sit 'n Spin!

I got a sit 'n spin awhile ago - I think last Christmas. Never really got too into it, other than as something to stand on while trying to reach a light switch. It's good for that. And I guess it's got some good tunes too.

But lately - I've been getting into the Sit 'n Spin a lot more. Sometimes I try doing it the way you're supposed to, sometimes I just turn on the music (all you have to do is spin it) and then dance to the music. (You can hear the music in the video below.)

But my favorite is my own special way of spinning - check out the video below. This is me doing my own lay 'n spin styley. [Note that I've got my cup of milk handy for when I need refreshment]

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Sunday Spud turns 100!

The Sunday Spud has been going for 100 weeks now! And to celebrate, Dad figured out how to put little slide shows here in the blog post. Isn't he smart! Hope you enjoy these, and you can always see the full photo album by clicking on the links on the right hand side.

And for you smarty-pants that count the pictures and notice that there are more than 100 pictures - good for you. But you've got to understand that the slideshow updates automatically, so it'll keep getting longer every time Dad adds pictures to the slide show.