Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I slept through the night!

Mark the date folks: November 7, 2006. Just shy of my two-month birthday, slept from 10:30pm to 7:30am the next morning. A replay:

- Dad's alarm went off for him to get up and go to work
- Dad: "Did you get up and feed him in the middle of the night?"
- Mom: "No, didn't you?"
- Me: "[thumb sucking sounds]"

So Dad came to check on me:
Now I'm not guaranteeing that this is going to happen every night. Heck, Mom & Dad aren't even sure that I didn't spend an hour or two screaming in the middle of the night - an extra glass of wine with dinner can lead to missing minor details like that. But hey - extra beauty sleep is always a good thing, even when you're as cute as I am!


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