Something is different...
The careful observer may notice something slightly different about Dad's Sunday Spud picture this week. (The full physique one, not the head shot.) I asked him to reproduce it here so that we could discuss some of the changes.
First, there's the obvious one that I have clothes on this week. (Hopefully you do realize that this isn't the first time in my life that I've had clothes on.) I figured I was going to have to stop showing off my amazing body at some point, and this week seemed as good as any...
Since there's that other minor change that I'm not taking this laying down anymore! It's time to stand up for my rights! Or at least my pictures. No, this isn't a trick photo, I really can stand up by myself already. Or at least without help from any people - I'd be in big trouble without that ottoman behind me!
That said, I've got a whole new repertoire of tricks - crawling all around the house, sitting up by myself, and pulling myself up to standing. (Mom & Dad are looking pretty worried these days...) That's it for now, but I'll be back shortly with some more tales of my adventures now that I'm going mobile.