Monday, January 22, 2007

Yes, I have a thingy on my forehead

And no, it's not because my dad dropped me. (Not yet, anyway...)

I enterered the world with this nice one, though it was partially covered by my hair back then. Sadly, my hair fell out, so everybody's been staring at this for the last month or so. Anyway, it's called a strawberry hemangioma and it was getting bigger for the first couple months, but Mom & Dad think it's getting smaller now.

Dad thinks that the doctor said that it was going to keep getting smaller and should be gone by the end of the year or so, but he's not really sure because I was busy howling for food while the doctor was explaining that. (Doctor didn't stand a chance.) So he's not sure what she said, but you can believe that he's not going to leave the house without formula again anytime soon! (You can bet that neither Mom nor my Supernanny Carmen wouldn't have made that mistake...)


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