Monday, January 08, 2007

Identity Crisis

Dad seems to be a little confused about my name. So far, he has referred to me as:

- Matthew
- Matt
- Mattie
- Spud
- Spudley
- Flappy
- Squirmy
- Sir Poops-a-lot
- Stinky
- Stinky McStinkerson
- Mr. Stiffy (Stop it. That's when the bottle is interrupted. Arms and legs out. Arch Back. Bottle comes back. It's like magic.)
- Fish Boy
- Beefy
- Mr. Ed (when I'm stomping my one foot in my bouncy seat)
- Mattie-pan

Do you think he needs help or something?

Oh. And it's my four month birthday! Wondering why Dad calls me Beefy? 17 pounds, 26.5 inches. I'm Huge!


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